Fish, a fish, is desperate to evolve into a landling. Chips, a cat, would like to return to his privileged lifestyle. Both of them need a talisman to achieve their goal. Unfortunately they are fighting for the same one, a magical bone.
发布时间:2024-11-10 00:39 第一重惊喜便是主演周润发 、廖启智 昨日首开直播,与线上近40万网友展开了一场无所不谈的互动;第二重惊喜则是片方今日正式发布影片插曲《The End Of The Word》的特别MV,幽怨婉转的歌声道出片中真真假假的爱情,一次性满足众多网友想要单曲循环和收藏的心愿。